Thursday, May 23, 2013

dinner is a bust

i was going to try and make a vegan version of chicken and waffles for the kids since matt was golfing.  i have made vegan waffles already and had some frozen 'chicken' strips already so thought we would go for it.  only i wasn't that organized and decided to try another recipe for vegan waffles.  let's just say, it didn't work out.  in retrospect, i think it was using coconut milk instead of my usual almond milk.  but it didn't stop the kids from enjoying some 'waffles'.  we ended up just eating the 'chicken' strips with sweet potatoes, soy beans and some cucumber slices for dinner.  once the waffle maker was cool the kids still wanted to eat the waffles.  and they did!  they picked off every single bit!  our little vultures.  we love them.  love.


Anonymous said...

The kids didn't know it was a bust :) I tried quoina (sp??) last night. It is hard to get Gary to change his ways from all the terrible food he loves. He did eat it - we had skinless chicken breasts on the grill and yellow squash and tomatoes. I sprinkle cheese on that and he will eat it.

Witenkling Mommy said...

How was it a bust if they were literally scraping it off of the waffle iron to eat it up?! Eager to eat anything = success in my book!

mom2mlg said...

i will say that the waffles tasted good - well what you could scrape off. they were just all air in the middle and i had forgotten to spray the pan.