after lunch i decided to take the boys for a visit to the museum. what i had not quite planned on was that there would be a lot of school groups there! they were just finishing up their lunches and heading back in when we arrived. i almost left but it is a little bit of a drive and the boys were pretty excited to be there. it was actually fantastic! other than the bathrooms (they were just crazy), we had the whole place to ourselves. we just stayed opposite the school tours and we were alone. even manning was getting in on the action today, he was pretty excited about everything he saw. we were able to see all of the things we wanted to - including a new art exhibit that the boys and i really enjoyed viewing and discussing - and then leave before manning needed to take his nap.
i have never in my life seen a turtle 'sitting' up like this and i think they were mating. i tried not to have to explain this... |
it had not started raining yet so i agreed to climbing up the monument stairs. i have to carry manning so it isn't something we do every time.
i think they like climbing up so that they can slide down. maddux' shorts were cracking me up because they kept pulling up and showing his super white legs. love.
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