Tuesday, May 14, 2013

my constant little buddy

maddux and i spend a lot of time together.  i spend more time with him than anyone else in the world - sometimes it is even 24 hours a day!  so here are some notes on my little buddy...

- he was having a good run at going to bed with ease and sleeping through the night.  in the past week or so that has changed, but i don't know what made it change which has been frustrating.

- maddux is very orderly.  while not exactly a 'cleaner' he does like to have everything in its place.  one night we couldn't find the apple tv remote in our bedroom (they are crazy small) and matt said that maddux had been playing with it while they were in there together.  matt couldn't remember where he saw maddux with it last and was starting to worry that maddux had dropped it down the air vent in the floor.  that didn't sound like maddux, he likes to put electronics 'away' - like if you set your cell phone down, he will bring it to you because that's where it goes - with you.  the kids were all in bed already so matt and i were searching the house trying to think of where he put it.  i kept thinking that maddux would have tried to 'put it away'.  sure enough, i found it under the dvd player which sets right next to the apple tv box on our dresser.

- maddux is the only one of the bigs who will be done watching tv and turn it off.  this can be a problem when his sister and/or brother are not done.

- he now has a "blue door house" for his imaginary life/family just like madelyn has the "red/pink door house" and mason has the "blue door house".  i love that they all have an imaginary place and i have to stay on my toes to know what is 'real' and what is at their other house.

- "awesome" has become his signature word.  and he has also added "cool" this week.

- when something is far away he points to a specific tree that he chooses and says, "it is over that tree."

- when he is done eating something, instead of saying that he is "all done" he will say that it is "ewie"- even when he is on his second or third helping!

- to express how much he has to go to the bathroom he will say "pee-pee real bad"or "poo-poo real bad."  there is something about the way he says it that is very cute.  he also uses a public bathroom stall on his own.

- he has started to draw faces on his circles.

most days it is hard to believe that he is only 2.  i love my little buddy.  love.

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