Sunday, May 12, 2013

"i did it!"

and manning has his first sentence!  he has been in super development mode lately.  he has always been very chatty (and loud) but he has really been starting to say more and more 'words' in the past week.  i think i need to start paying attention because i bet i have been ignoring the bulk of them by just writing them off as gibberish.  but there was no denying this one!  and a full sentence at that.  i was just trying to get him pushing the button on his toy and lucked into this...
he has also started 'cruising' from one item to another.  for someone who has barely been interested in baring weight on his legs, he sure is moving and shaking!  he has also started peeking through his legs (a la downward dog) and rolling on the ground for fun.  we call him the "rolly-polly.

i am sure there are lots more videos to come.  love.


Witenkling Mommy said...

What a big boy! Are you ready for your 'baby' to reach so many milestones at once?

Our family said...

Wow! That's pretty amazing!

mom2mlg said...

I am looking forward to what life will be like with all "big kids"! No carrying, no strollers and no diaper bag! I am enjoying each phase for what it is - or at least I am trying to.