Friday, May 31, 2013

mason's last day of school

mason had one more day of school.  madelyn might be on "summer" time now, but we still had to hustle to get out the door and get mason to school.  he was excited that he got to have one more day of show-and-tell (fridays are his day to bring something) but he was most excited that madelyn got to come drop him off and pick him up on his last day.
i forgot to look at where we took his first day of school picture but i thought i remembered it was by the classroom door.  luckily, i was right.  i would say that he has grown a few inches this year!  look how much bigger he is!  and the angle in today's picture makes him look shorter than the angle of the first day picture.

madelyn and maddux had to try out the balance beam before we left.
so i walk with another mom once a week.  we usually have two to three stroller riders with us so we can control the pace.  the plan is to keep walking over the summer with all of the kids - 6 total.  the problem is that she has one son in a wheel chair who if he doesn't want to go any more can just pull the brake or put his hands on the wheels and stop her from pushing him and any of the other three could decide not to ride their bikes any more or whine the entire time.  today was our first attempt with some bigs.  one of her sons rode his bike, she pushed the other's wheelchair, i pushed the double stroller and had madelyn walk/jog with us (there is no way madelyn could have ridden her bike without whining).  we were able to do it, but there was crying by one or all of the kids the entire time!!  oh my goodness.   it was almost comical - wait, it was comical.  someone we passed on the trail said that we were our own parade.  it was an interesting part of the trail.  we saw a few snakes, some bulls, a vineyard and there was a great breeze and some shade.  hopefully, it will get better as the kids get used to the arrangement. i told her that we could walk the trail by our house and end at the pool too.

now that i was nice and sweaty, it was back to the preschool to pick up mason on his last day.  he has known so much love in this room and learned a lot too.  it was such a blessing for him and us.  we will miss his teachers.
even though i was disgusting, the idea of going home and then loading everyone back up was too painful and we stopped by bjs on the way home to pick up a few necessities.  the kids were fantastic (i was worried).  i think it helps that there are a ton of samples.  we left there a little before 1, so i picked up some lunch for the kids at wendy's.  the kids' meal 'toy' was awesome!  it is a book of activities for in the car.  we will get a lot of use out of these this summer.   their favorite activity was a thumb wrestling ring and costumes.  each one came with four thumb wrestler stickers that were sort of like bandaids with faces on them - maddux is modeling a ninja in the picture.  
once everyone had lunch and manning went down for his nap, i finally got to take a shower.  i had to get cleaned up so that i could make and take dinner to a friend from mops who had just had a baby.  the funny part was that i made them dinner, but we were eating dinner out - never a night off.

we thought that we would eat dinner out to celebrate the end of the school year.  the kids' chose friendly's because of the desserts.

it was a very nice family outing to end the school year and a very busy day.  love.

1 comment:

Witenkling Mommy said...

Wow - that was a busy day! I can't believe how much older Mason looks. I hope the walking gets better. :)