we were invited to go pick strawberries today. i really, really wanted to go but was iffy about bringing the kids out with other people because who knew how they would behave. God was looking out for my best interest because last night our neighbor across the street brought us a few pounds of strawberries from her backyard! schedule free was how we could spend our day.
our day was already off to a better start because i was asleep by 11pm and all four kids slept through the night until at least 7:30 - this almost never happens. and there were smiles all around as they appeared one by one. maddux was sporting a red nose from when he tripped in the church last night, but other that that we were in pretty good shape.
it was lovely out (70 and sunny) so we decided a trip to the park would be great. only it was very muddy. maddux found out first when he came down the slide and ended up in several inches of mud - in his flip-flops. he was not very happy about this and was giving us such good pouty-face that i had to get some video. we took him into the bathroom to wash his feet a little bit later.
manning is the first one to not really like swinging. he doesn't not like it, but he doesn't really enjoy it either.
madelyn was excited to get to see these new additions to the park because the boys have been telling her about them and she was feeling left out.
we did find one slide that was in the sun enough for the mud to be mostly dried up.
since there was so much mud, we took a little walk around the walking path before heading over to target. we needed to pick up a birthday present and a few things for the bus for haiti that is the mission for vbs. other than two outbursts from maddux at target, we were having a pretty great day so i told the kids we could go to the pool after lunch until manning was ready for his nap. all in all i think we were there for less than an hour, but it was worth the effort and we had a pretty great day!
now everyone is resting/napping and i am feeling human again. time to get ready for vbs! love.
Yes, nothing days are good for everyone. Especially when preceded by a full night's rest. Glad today was better for you.
Love Maddux's pouty face. He is such a cutie. Sounds like everyone had fun and I can't wait for them to get to go in our pool.
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