Monday, June 17, 2013

vbs week

as if birthdays this week weren't enough for me, i have also volunteered for vbs.  i am leading a 4/5 year old room.  after the doctor's appointment this morning, we ran over to the church to help with final preparations - copies, counting, folding, etc. - for a few hours.  the kids ate lunch on the floor while i took care of a few tasks. and then we were off again!

home to put manning down for his nap, shower for me, make dinner, eat dinner, get dressed, pack up all of our supplies (including pjs for manning), wake up manning, nurse, try to feed him something and then load up to head out to the church again.  oh and did i mention that i baked two loaves of zucchini bread and took the kids to the library before we went to the doctor's office this morning.  i had to bring the zucchini bread for vbs.

anyway, i had to be there at 5:30 and kids were going to start arriving at 6:20.  cameras aren't allowed during vbs so i had maddux take a picture of me and the two big kids (they were the only ones old enough to attend). he took both of these!  after the first one i told him that he cut off my halo and he adjusted all on his own for the second one.  i was pretty impressed.
it was a bit crazy trying to get all of my kids dropped off, keeping track of the 14 in my class and just figuring out the schedule and activity changes!  i was throughly exhausted by the end of the night - 9pm.  we weren't able to get all of the kids down by 10pm.

and we get to do it every night this week!  i expect to have a pack of tears following me around by friday and no voice left.

well, i am off!  love.


Witenkling Mommy said...

You're nuts - VBS volunteering the week of Groninger bday mania! I could totally see sending the kids to VBS during that week so you could tend to bday stuff. I am highly impressed by Maddux's photo-taking skills. And you look great - I have to know, mascara day or not?

mom2mlg said...

mascara! ;)

Grandma Z. said...

I absolutely love these pictures!!