Tuesday, June 18, 2013

tuesday tip - plan snacks

maybe i am the only one who this tip will help, but i have started to plan on a few snacks in addition to meals each week.  i found that we would get into the snack ruts - pretzels, carrots, apples, raisins.  mainly because snack time would sneak up on me and we just go with whatever is quickest.  but when i plan a few snacks we might have 'ants on a log' (celery with pb & raisins - we also sub cream cheese for the pb on occasion), fresh hummus, rice cakes with pb and a few chocolate chips, and other simple but prepared snacks.  just a little change of pace.

what is your best 'fun' snack?


1 comment:

Witenkling Mommy said...

Ahh, that's like planning another meal... which I don't enjoy planning... someday...