Friday, June 28, 2013

madelyn's 6-year check-up

madelyn's six-year check-up was pretty straightforward and easy - well, except for the one hour wait before we saw the doctor!  oh well.  i just told myself that they were seeing some sick patients or giving others so extra time.  i actually am pretty understanding about waiting as long as when i/we are finally seen, they don't try to rush us out in an attempt to get back on schedule.

i did have a few concerns to discuss with the doctor and she agreed with my current course of action (like with her mystery stomach pains) so that always makes me feel good, like i wasn't ignoring/writing-off something more serious.

here are her stats:
height: 49 inches (96th percentile)
weight: 50.6 pounds (77th percentile)
bmi: 38th percentile

the doctor thought everything looked great.  again, we are so blessed to have healthy children.  love.

1 comment:

Witenkling Mommy said...

Kinley has mystery stomach pains, too. I also asked. They pressed around on her belly - found nothing and we agreed it was mostly a 'tactic' she uses.
Yes, SUCH a blessing to have healthy kids.