Wednesday, June 12, 2013

one of those days

in the off chance that you think our kids are always at their best, today was a day that i was practically in tears.  i am writing this a few days later (i needed time to process).  i spent the morning cleaning around the house (which i haven't gotten to do in way too long) and then we went up to the church to help with some of the things that needed to be done for vbs next week.  

i knew that the day wasn't going all that great already.  mason had had a crying and tired uncooperation all morning.  but i was committed to help with vbs preparations so we loaded up and headed out.  they were all fed, i brought drinks and snacks and they each had a bag of things to do quietly.  i thought i had a chance.  

well, they did pretty well all things considered (i cut paper for about 2-1/2 hours).  i even got several compliments on how well they were behaving but maddux was starting to be a stinker.  there was hitting, biting, snatching and lots of crying from all three boys.  i finally gave up and excused us.  i had been hoping that we could stop at a new frozen yogurt place right near the church on our way home as a reward for them waiting so long but that was not an option at all.

thankfully maddux fell asleep on the ride home, but he was not a happy camper when he woke up.  i unbuckled him and offered to carry him in (because he was obviously tired and i felt a little bad for him).  he refused so i went about getting everything else and manning out of the car and into the house. and then he changed his mind...

this went on like this for at least 20 minutes.  he could come all the way in the house to open the door and then walk back out to the van to yell some more.  he is our strongest will yet.  sigh.

it was exhausting and i did finally pull him in one of the times he came back up the stairs to open the door - again.  i had to physically restrain him for maybe another 15 minutes because he kept going back  out into the garage and i just couldn't leave him there and was at a loss.  i was just holding him and praying out loud to keep me calm.  once he stopped trying to leave the house, i went about my day while he followed me around saying "mean mommy" over and over and over.  he finally cried himself out on the floor of the office while i worked on my bible study emails and blog posts.  and then i just let him sleep because i couldn't take any more.

it was seriously a hot (the air was off and it was about 80) and long day.  and it wasn't done yet because madelyn had a crying fit just before dinner time and i had to go in my room for a minute to give my ears a break (and keep my last thread of sanity).  i was just emotionally drained by the time matt got home.

not everyday is a winner.  for anyone.  love.


Anonymous said...

Isn't it nice to be able to turn to God and ask for his help - Like, please let me get through this :)

Witenkling Mommy said...

I'm sorry you had such an awful day. Been there for sure. I'm impressed you made it through without a breakdown and that you had the where with all to stay calm and pray for some assistance.