Friday, June 7, 2013

manning walking

what?!  this kid is in a hurry to get a move on.  he might walk by his birthday yet!

i have been working with him on standing (our "1-2-3-ta-da" routine) and he can stand on his own for 3-5 seconds before getting down to crawl.  he laughs hysterically the whole time and thinks it is a pretty fun game.

walking is going to be a big adjustment because he can already reach the countertops when standing and has started pulling plates, etc. off the kitchen counter when the kids leave things within reach.  i am really hoping he walks soon because it will make our trip to florida so much easier if he can get around without crawling on a dirty floor when we stop (because we will have to keep him in the stroller).



Grandma Z. said...

So neat to see and hear Big sister reporting. Manning is so proud of himself and just too cute!!

Witenkling Mommy said...

Yes, I love Madelyn's helpfulness :) She's proud, too. It will be so nice if he is walking for your trip. I love your basement. So much space for kids to move and play.