Friday, June 14, 2013

ah, the zoo

we went to the ymca for the kids to play and me to swim.  yes, it is so much fun at the 'y' that the kids ask to go and that makes me feel even less guilt about exercising.  it was sort of an overcast day but it was around 70 with a nice breeze and was just about perfect for a day at the zoo.  i had already packed up our lunches so that we could head over straight from the 'y'.  i thought that we could all use some outside time and a change of scenery.  i was right.  it was sort of a perfect outing!  other than the zoo being very crowded, i mean very crowded, we had a lot of fun.

maddux really likes the alpacas.  he was very happy to have one be fairly close for him.
maddux was thrilled to finally be tall enough to 'flap' the condor wings.  although he and mason were having a little trouble taking turns (our one bump for the day).

maddux was insistent that he did not touch when telling daddy about our day.
prepping animal snacks in the play zookeeper kitchen.
so every time we come to the zoo the bear(s) are just laying there, if they are even visible.  i don't know what got into this one today, but he was ready to move!

speaking of moving, maddux was going all out to get up the steep hills.

this girl is SO my daughter!

maddux kept saying, "mommy, i'm a pirate"
this might have been madelyn's favorite part of the day.  she could not stop talking about it!  i did hold maddux' feet down for him so that he could do a few sit-ups once i finished this video.
and since the zoo had gone so well, i had another treat in mind for all of us...  love.


Witenkling Mommy said...

What a great outing. Were you wearing Manning? or pushing him. I love to see you out and about with the big three freely going about. Gives me hope. Knox has just started into a 'terrible twos' phase. Great timing. But hopefully he'll grow through it quickly so the kiddos and I can get out and about.

mom2mlg said...

manning was in the stroller (he is super heavy and the stroller carries all of our lunch stuff in the basket). i have always used riding in the stroller as a 'punishment' once they can walk fairly well. at least being buckled in the stroller becomes a punishment. if we are going somewhere with a lot of walking or where i need to get around quickly, i let little ones ride. but the zoo is a walking location since we have a pass and can leave at any time.

Anonymous said...

Looked like a fun day :) Missed being there too! Nana