Sunday, June 16, 2013

father's day

once again, i didn't get a group picture, but you should be used to that by now... we started the day around 5am.  i guess mason and maddux were a little too excited to wish daddy a happy day.  thankfully, matt was able to go back to sleep for a little bit.  the boys and i got up to make him some chocolate chip oat bran pancakes (his choice) and cantelope before heading off to church.  after church we took daddy to sweet frog for a free father's day soft serve (he had sorbet).  that made my third time in one week!  we even filled up our frequent shopper card for another free small cup.  darn. :)

we had thought that sweet frog would be packed right after church, but it was almost empty.  i guess we were the only ones to go before lunch.  i was going to take matt out to lunch but he insisted on just having leftovers at home.

while we were eating lunch, we gave matt his presents.  notice how we didn't skimp on the wrapping.

daddy modeling one of his 'tie' cards the kids made him at the ymca.
matt got his traditional gifts of socks and undershirts (he gets some combination of underthings at every gift giving occasion) and to treat him a little (or a lot) we selected teas from tevana for him.  he has been drinking tea at night to relax before bed and several friends have been evangelists about tevana so i thought we would give it a try.  i went ahead and picked out the tea for him because if i had taken him there, he would not have bought any of it!  matt is hard to shop for because he would generally rather have the money than the gift, but he was happy with everything.

after lunch matt went to home depot to shop for a tree.  i told him to take his time and it looks like he really did because he was gone for a few hours!  well, i guess he did swing by toys-r-us for mason's birthday present and got himself another father's day present - a new bike!  he has a road bike and it just isn't suited for the trails around here.  we are hoping to get some family bike rides in soon. he has also taken to biking up the grocery store and the ymca and been using my bike.

while he was gone and manning was napping, the kids and i tried some origami.  we are doing the 'around the world in 60 days' activity from thriving family magazine and covered japan last week.  we had looked at origami online but never got around to attempting any until today.  they were all quite pleased with the results of our swans, but mommy ended up doing most of the folding.
when daddy got home from home depot, the three bigs and i headed out so that he could plant his tree and then watch some golf in peace (i expected manning to nap for at least two more hours).  our plan was to go to the library and grocery store, but the library was closed so just the grocery store.  i let the older two go into the childcare at the grocery store (maddux isn't old enough).

on our way home from the grocery store we stopped to pick daddy up some dinner - chipotle!  mine was vegan but matt stuck with vegetarian. we don't get the kids anything because they don't like it enough to make it worth the cost, they are just as happy with some sandwiches at home.  when we got to chipotle i noticed lots of flashing lights in the parking lot near the grocery store a few doors down.  and then i saw why - someone had driven their car halfway into the store!!  crazy!  i couldn't get a very good picture with my phone but you can sort of make it out.  it is the light colored car in the middle of the picture.  the kids were not as impressed as i was, surprisingly so, they acted like they see stuff like that all of the time.

i had not planned a dessert for father's day (i have been skipping over to all the birthday planning) but then i came up with s'mores.  these are one of matt's very favorites so it worked out.
i am so blessed to have such a loving man to father my children.  hooray for daddy!  love.

1 comment:

Witenkling Mommy said...

You have child care at your grocery store?! That's genius. Matt's Father's Day sounds like one Jon would enjoy as well.