Saturday, April 30, 2011

can mason sleep in my bed?

well, he's almost in the bed... love.


Grandma Z. said...

Precious! What a great picture!

mom2mlg said...

they now sleep like this every night. mason gets the top half and madelyn gets the bottom half. or they sleep side by side, short-ways in the bed. we are just glad that they are the best of buds right now.

Witenkling Mommy said...

So cute. Mason looks so rigid. Hopefully Madelyn's ok with losing her bed buddy in the new house. by then they might be 'over it' anyway...

mom2mlg said...

Mason looks stiff because he is laying on top of so many books, toys, and pillows. We have gotten them to transition back to seperate beds to avoid as many problems as possible about them being in seperate rooms. Especially when Mason and Maddux will be together and Madelyn will be "all alone". We have just been stressing that it is like one large room with a bathroom in the middle. We will just have to wait and see. I am hoping that finally getting all of her toys and dress up clothes out of storage will be enough of a distraction.