Friday, April 8, 2011

don't you mean orange juice?

nope.  she meant "lemon juice".  i was getting breakfast together for the kids and madelyn asked for, "lemon juice, please".  i was a little confused - since she had never had lemon juice before and it wasn't in plain sight. 

"madelyn, do you mean orange juice?"
"no, lemon juice."
showing her the bottle of lemon juice i use for cooking, "this?"
"yes, lemon juice, please!"

and of course since madelyn was having some, mason wanted some too.  i poured them each about half an inch worth in their cups - feeling pretty confident that it wasn't what they had in mind.

"yum!  thanks, mom!"

i couldn't believe that they were both drinking it - happily.  there was still some left in each of their cups at the end of breakfast, but they never asked for anything else to drink.  it occurred to me much later in the day (i was still dumbfounded about where the lemon juice request originated) that she must have remembered when we had lemonade a few weeks earlier and was trying to ask for that.  love.

1 comment:

Witenkling Mommy said...

My face puckers just thinking about that. I bet she meant lemonade. That's a staple around here. :)