- i have said it before, but he is the happiest baby - and i have had very happy babies. he smiles at everything and everyone and is very quick to laugh. it helps that he is super ticklish! while he is ticklish from head to toe (literally), it seems that his upper torso and neck are the guaranteed tickle spots.
- 3/30 - maddux got his second tooth. his center left tooth came in at last. we have been able to clearly see the tooth for weeks but couldn't feel it. i thought that it would never come in!
- he can push up to get his chest off the ground, reach for toys in front of him, and using arms for a little support when i sit him up. i think he will be able to sit a little on his own pretty soon.
- 4/2 - flipped from back to belly in his crib for the first time and did not like it one bit. it looks like he is a wiggly sleeper like madelyn was, so we will see if he gets stuck in the crib bars as much.
- he eats two, 5 ounces meals of solids a day in addition to nursing. he would eat more, but i are trying not to get too crazy. unfortunately, i am not able to make all of his foods like i was for madelyn and most of mason's. i just don't have enough space or the right appliances (they are in storage). i might do a few foods as he gets better with textures, but for now it is just jar food. i am considering adding a third meal next week if his sleeping doesn't get back to 10-12 hours again.
- he is wearing a size 4 diaper and 9-12 month clothes
we love him and he is really starting to enjoy the love of his siblings. love.
I could just eat him. what a sweetie :)
They do love their little brother and he is always happy. He even laughed while I was changing his diaper. So glad I got to witness everything.
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