Monday, April 4, 2011

our new home

on march 18 we signed a contract to build a house here.  and april 1 we picked out all the cabinets.  next week is flooring and counters.  things are going to go very fast because it has to be done for the parade of homes in the second week of august!  that is one of the reasons that there has been less blogging - i have been busy browsing web sites trying to figure out what we want in our new house.  (that and we had two rounds of grandma visits.)  once i have final plans, i will try to put an image or two of what things will look like.  the exterior has to be approved before the hole can be dug so i should have a decent rendering soon. 

we are pretty excited and are looking forward to sharing this experience with the kids.  here is a video of them going though the piles of paint samples matt picked up around town.  (as an extra bonus, mason says "bye" for the first time at the very end.) love.


Witenkling Mommy said...

yay! jon was just asking me how the house was going. I'm sure the warp speed can be daunting, but at least you know you won't be one of those houses that the finish date keeps getting pushed back. I still am fascinated by Madelyn's obsession with red. Can't wait to see the rendering and progress with the house.

Grandma Z. said...

Maddie didn't mention the Red Door she wants. Mason did a great job at saying Bye and waving.
Too cute.

Anonymous said...

Maddie needs to come for another visit to our place. We painted our front door red this summer. We really like it -- know she would too! Think you guys better have a red door for her :) I love Mason's bye too! So cute.
Love, Nana