Monday, February 4, 2013

helping hands

the boys are in a big 'helping' phase. they don't want to clean up their own toys so there is no money to be earned for them (remember, they have to complete their own jobs before they can earn money for extras). they were taking turns vacuuming up the crumbs in the kitchen and under the table. and they did a pretty great job. i just had to do a quick follow-up.

they have also been very helpful with emptying the dishwashers. really. very helpful. maddux has been helping all week and actually asks if he can unload them now when he sees a green light (which indicates that they cycle is complete).

the boys are getting so grown up. love.



Witenkling Mommy said...

I have to ask... When they don't pick up their toys do you just leave them? We're going though this here (not picking up) and I get anxious when toys are all over the playroom and inevitably pick up after bedtime. It's my own problem. Just wondering if/how you don't let the mess get to you? Yay for helpers!

Anonymous said...

Wow that is some v. cleaner! So glad they are being helpful for you. Give the little guys a cloth and they'll have those lower cabinets (that they love to put their fingerprints on)spotless! :)
Glad that Maddux loves to help as he is home with you all day.