Friday, February 15, 2013

three little pigs

when i find what i consider 'easy' crafts in the dollar bins, i pick them up for when i am in need of something "exciting" for the kids to do on a long day inside. probably a year ago, or more, i found these pig puppets that they could color and today was the day. everyone was feeling better and had lots of energy (except for mommy who was still pretty tired and dealing with manning who was still a little 'off'). we were talking about building houses and then the three little pigs came up. who wants to make something to play with downstairs?

all three colored their pigs and then we went downstairs to build houses to be "huffed and puffed". there was some disagreement over who house could be made from bricks between madelyn and mason (maddux was happy to build, knock down and build again the house of "straw") so the game was short lived.

they really liked the pigs though (so much that this blurry picture was the best of the blurry pictures I attempted. love.


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