Wednesday, February 20, 2013

manning at 8 months

he rang in month number 8 with an ear infection. but not in the ear he has been rubbing that prompted us to take him in. even the doctor was a little surprised that he had one - no fever, no runny nose, no resistance to having her check, just all smiles. she said that it might have just been delayed from the cold he had a few weeks ago. this is his first one. he weighed 28lbs.

but really i just wanted to post a little about manning...

- he is super ticklish on his chest and neck. he cracks up when we pull his clothes off (not so much when we are getting him dressed).

- he is really getting mobile. most of it is belly to sitting kind of moving. he does hop a little on his knees but no real attempts at actual crawling. i always knew that madelyn did things early but it is amazing looking back as we have had the boys (madelyn - february 2008)

- manning looks a lot like madelyn but is build more like mason.

- he is a chatterbox (where did matt and i get all of these talkers?) - "ma-ma", "da-da", "ni", "ba-ba", "na", "ya-ya", "hi", "ha-ha", "yah"

- he thinks it is hysterical when his brothers cry.

- he and maddux seem to have a pretty special bond. maybe they understand each other.

- he is the only one of the kids at this age who goes down with no books, nursing or crying and wakes up happy most of the time.

manning is a very happy and easy going kid. we really ended with a great one! we can't wait for him to get moving. love.



Anonymous said...

Funny that he thinks it is hysterical when brothers cry! What do brothers think about that? Earaches are weird - ya just never know. Give him a hug from Papa and Nana. Miss him! (and all of you)

Witenkling Mommy said...

Ah, what a delightful disposition for any baby, and especially for a fourth. I've been around Wyatt a couple of times in the last two weeks. He's got a great disposition, too. You guys need to send your great fourth (or more) baby vibes this way!