Friday, February 8, 2013

new kitchen help

as with all the kids, dinner prep is one of the most difficult times of day for manning. i am the least available and their crying and need for mommy are the exact things that are keeping them from getting what they want - dinner. i have been putting him in the highchair with some puffs or mum-mums (giant oval shaped rice puffs) to keep him busy while i prepare dinner. but then he is stir-crazy by the time he is done eating after being in the highchair for 1-2 hours most nights.

and then i remembered pots and a wooden spoon. he sits up well enough to sit close to me with a pot and spoon while i cook. this worked out fantastically! he was much, much happier. the change of view, some new 'toys' and proximity to mommy all made for a much happier (and quieter) boy. love.



Anonymous said...

Great entertainment! Such a cutie!! He'll be crawling around and getting into those drawers by himself in no time :) Nana

Witenkling Mommy said...

Ironic isn't it - sometimes they don't even know they are hungry. He's a cute little helper :)

Grandma Z. said...

Precious little guy!