Tuesday, February 26, 2013

tuesday tip - surprise them

almost everything we do is a 'surprise' for the kids. this does two things - gives us flexibility to change our plans at the last minute and minimizes the opportunity for fits of disappointment. "tomorrow" can seem like forever to wait, and forget about a week or more! we usually wait until the morning of (or sometimes the hour of) to tell the kids that we are doing something special or that someone is coming over. let's say we were planning on going to the zoo and it is rainy or someone was up all night and in a really cranky mood or our friend that was coming over wakes up sick. the kids only think that we are doing something that is a "surprise" - our trip to the zoo can turn into a surprise trip to the library and everyone is still happy. we have "surprises" almost daily which can help make every day special and fun.

and our kids love guessing where we are going! sometimes i give clues but sometimes i just let their imaginations run wild. it is fun to hear what they consider to be a "special surprise" and it gives me more ideas for things that they might like to do.

do you keep your kids in the dark to make things easier?


1 comment:

Witenkling Mommy said...

Yes, I do this often. I love that little things are exciting 'surprises' to them.