Tuesday, March 5, 2013

on the move

today manning discovered that he can leave the living room. he has been content to just crawl a foot or two towards whichever toy (or more likely, book) he has his eye on. today the bigger boys went downstairs to play after lunch and i sat manning in the living room while i cleaned up the kitchen. then i heard a "thump" and assumed that he fell over, but there was no crying, instead there was another "thump". and another. and another. he was crawling! and he was making his way over to the stair rails to see where the big boys had gone (he could hear them). he was pretty delighted to be there. i guess i need to take another look around for baby proofing...

here is a little video but he was done by that point.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

At least those thumps weren't Manning going down the stairs! ha!
(I know you have a gate up now but I've always thought it was so funny seeing your kids bounce down the stairs.) He's going to be on the go now. Nana (Love his big smile in his pictures.)