Thursday, March 14, 2013

first words

we are going to go with "da-da" as manning's first word. while he says it frequently, he gets more excited and animated when he says it while looking at matt. he now appears to know that matt is "da-da". i think sunday was the first time we noticed this association.

while i was changing his diaper on monday morning, madelyn was asking him to say "sissy" and he did! he said, "sis" (pause) "see", while looking at her with the same excitement he says "da-da" to matt. we are counting that as word number two. madelyn was pretty excited too.

and today he assigned "ma-ma" to me at last! this was one of his early sounds, but he hasn't been saying it as much lately (much to my dismay). i love (hate) when they can start calling for me by name.

he is also starting to attempt signing "all done" after us. he has actually made gestures for a while but they are starting to look for like the sign now and he sounds like he is saying it several times. manning is also starting to wave back to us for "hello" and "good-bye" and i am starting to see attempts at the "more" sign. he gets very excited when we understand his "all done" attempts.

man, i have been slacking on posting about his communication! love.

1 comment:

Witenkling Mommy said...

You're not behind, you're right on track. I think its awesome that he repeats. And I can only imagine how sweet he looks we he smiles after saying it.