Tuesday, March 5, 2013

tuesday tip - meal plan

plan a week's worth of meals (at least) and have one quick fall back in the pantry/freezer.

i can not tell you how much stress it removes to know what is for dinner each night. around 4pm i just double-check how long it will take to make and that i have all of the ingredients. (the snag in this plan is me remembering to take things out of the freezer, but that is another story.)

and that quick fall back for the day that just doesn't go well and you are too tired to put forth any effort on dinner? for us, it is frozen spinach pizza, turkey pepperoni (for make shift pizzas with what ever bread and cheese products i have - and string cheese works) or spaghetti and sauce (and i have used tomato paste, water and italian seasoning on one desperate night). we have also thrown the turkey pepperoni in with the spaghetti to mix things up when i am feeling really crazy. and our old favorite - "snack dinner" - where you just throw out anything you have, picnic style.

the hour or two (or more) it takes me to plan out meals and make a grocery list (with coupons) is totally worth it for the 'freedom' it gives me the rest of the week.

do you meal plan?



Witenkling Mommy said...

I couldn't agree more- plan for the week's meals, and shop one time (at least aim to). It is SO worth the effort on the front end to not have to think about what to make each night - and to know you have what you need. I usually plan according to what protein is on sale. I plan for 5 meals. At least one is always a meal I could put off to the next week if something comes up (like chili - I can freeze the meat and the other ingredients will keep). I like having enough flexibility to go with the flow if an opportunity presents itself (invite out, running late somewhere, need something quick...). I do not want to waste food. I also plan my shopping list in the order of the store (dairy, dry goods, deli, cleaning/toiletries, frozen, bakery, produce...) Makes shopping SO much easier, especially with all the distractions.

Witenkling Mommy said...

I couldn't agree more- plan for the week's meals, and shop one time (at least aim to). It is SO worth the effort on the front end to not have to think about what to make each night - and to know you have what you need. I usually plan according to what protein is on sale. I plan for 5 meals. At least one is always a meal I could put off to the next week if something comes up (like chili - I can freeze the meat and the other ingredients will keep). I like having enough flexibility to go with the flow if an opportunity presents itself (invite out, running late somewhere, need something quick...). I do not want to waste food. I also plan my shopping list in the order of the store (dairy, dry goods, deli, cleaning/toiletries, frozen, bakery, produce...) Makes shopping SO much easier, especially with all the distractions.

Candice and Davidson said...

I do exactly what Kelli does, plan meals based on the proteins that are on sale. I plan for at least 6 meals, one being super easy in case of a rough day. I try to always keep foods on hand that we may need in the event of illness (soup, Popsicles, bananas, bread for toast, etc), because who wants to run out with sick little ones, and I divide my list based on the order of the store. Usually takes me a few hours once a week, but well worth it. I've done this as long as we've been married; it's been fun to see how my list has adapted since we've added little ones (we go through so much produce!!)