Friday, March 8, 2013

mommy's little helper

maddux has hit the 'helpful' stage. all of the kids have gotten very into 'helping' me around two. and while they are still very helpful, this seems to have been a peak time of 'helpfulness'. maddux' favorite thing is emptying the dishwasher. he watches for the green light to be on which indicates that the cycle is complete. he cries if i tell him he has to wait a little bit longer so that they can cool off. and he truly is helpful! he knows where everything goes (although he is in the repeat questions phase too - the one where he asks over and over even when he knows the answer) and anything up too high for him to reach he just puts on the counter closest to the cabinet. i almost never have to put dishes away. i really hope that this is one phase that lasts a long, long time. love.


1 comment:

Witenkling Mommy said...

I love, love, love the actually helpful helper stage :)