Thursday, March 14, 2013

sick week

yep. we are here again - sick. it is respiratory this time for a little change of pace. i think there were/are two different viruses. one that manning and maddux picked up at the ymca last week and one that madelyn brought home from school last week. maddux and i have had it the worst. wait, maddux has had it the worst because i have yet to get pink eye. madelyn missed school monday and tuesday but she is all better now. here is the run down of symptoms and illnesses:

madelyn - stomach pain, cough, sore throat, fever, ear infection - now on antibiotics

mason - cough and the start of pink eye but it cleared up instantly with the use of eye drops from last round of pink eye

maddux - cough, fever, stomach pain, exhaustion, congestion, runny nose, pink eye (he has the worst case but he too has eye drops left that are clearing things up) - it seems like maddux was the only one who got both viruses

manning - cough, congestion, runny nose, pink eye

mommy - congestion, cough, exhaustion, sore throat (from coughing)

daddy - just a little sore throat at this point

and the cough is that kind that takes your whole body to cough and doesn't seem to end. i have often thought that i was going to throw up before the coughing spell would end.

i took madelyn up to cvs minute clinic monday evening the second she complained about her ear and the antibiotics made her bounce right back on tuesday but they has suggested that i not send her to school since she hadn't been 24 hours without fever yet. and she did need one more morning of rest. she was feeling better and up and about after lunch.

monday was a lay on the couch and watch movies kind of day. i had picked up several at the library the week before so we were well stocked. the kids really liked "curly top" with shirley temple. this was another one i remembered liking as a child and they liked "the little princess" so much that i thought we would try again. i figured if nothing else, they would like the "animal crackers" song. i am always trying to sing it but i don't know many of the words. i was right, they really did like it.

now maddux and i both need a good night of complete sleep and we should be back to health. but this has proved very difficult to achieve. all three boys had me up with their coughing. that is when i wasn't waking myself up with my own coughing.

is it spring yet? love.


Anonymous said...

Oh my! I hate that type of cough and knock on wood I haven't had it this year -yet. This is about the time I get it - and last hear ended up at the allergist dying. :) Glad to hear you may be on the mend and I hope you can get some rest at night. It is in 60s today - YEA! Can't wait to start using the deck soon - I hope. Got a cortisone shot in hip yesterday and hope to get out with Max too. Love, Nana

Anonymous said...

Whoops that was supposed to be "last year" :) I was at school yesterday and this morning -- hoping for no germ pick up :)

Witenkling Mommy said...

Yuck! That kind of cough is the worst! I am SOOOO hoping I can avoid it through the rest of this pregnancy. I had it once already. Anyway, bring on spring and the fresh air!!! You guys are like magnets. But you sure are building up your immune systems.