Saturday, March 9, 2013

luke's party

i failed to take any pictures at the party because i left my camera at home. it was a beautiful day and the kids and matt and i walked to the party - well the kids rode their bikes and manning rode in the wagon while matt and i walked. we had a 'super' time at the hero themed party to celebrate luke's fifth birthday. and i am happy to report that he loved his cape and mask (and the other moms were pretty excited about the bag). his mom sent me this great picture of him outfitted up in a super hero pose:

i am so happy he likes it! love.



Witenkling Mommy said...

Um, yeah, I think Luke likes it :) Nice of his mom to send that picture. And I think their carpet is cool.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I've never seen carpet like that. I'm sure Luke is going to have a super time being a super hero! Nana G.