Monday, March 18, 2013

manning 9-month check-up

we would have taken manning in to have his ear checked if we didn't already have his 9-month check-up scheduled for today, so i was thankful for the appointment.

when we checked-in i was given an evaluation for his different skills at 9-months. he could do everything listed for 'eating' (i can't remember what the actual section on the form was really called), fine motor and social, but the large motor was a big flop. some of it made me feel like a failure (no, we don't play patty-cake or other similar games so i couldn't answer the three questions about that sort of thing) and some of it made me wonder if he wasn't developing fast enough. there were lots of questions about pulling to stand, reaching down to pick up while standing, cruising, etc. um, he just started crawling.

i knew he wasn't as fast as madelyn (she was cruising and walking assisted by this age) but i didn't consider him 'slow'.

the doctor said he was in the normal range for the large motor skills (he was 'above normal' in the other areas - particularly fine motor and social) and predicted that he will not walk by his first birthday. but she said that was still 'normal'.

i was right about the ear infection. in fact, there were two. he just finished the antibiotic from the last one a few weeks ago so she put him on something stronger this time to make sure they heal up all the way. if he is still rubbing his ear after this round, she wants to see him again.

other than that, it was a good appointment. here are his stats:

weight: 23lbs 3oz (93rd percentile)

height: 30-3/4 inches (99th percentile)

head circumference: 18-1/4 inches (86th percentile)

of course, being the crazy that i am, i started playing patty-cake and trying to work on getting him to hold on to something while standing today. i don't care if he isn't 'advanced', i just don't want to be the one holding him back because i am too busy or ignorant about what he needs.

more age relevant info...

- size 4 diaper

- 12/18 month clothes, some 2T sleepers

- 'talks' all the time. he actually says quite a few things that sound like real words, in context - "all done", "sissy", "ba-ba" (for mason), "hi", "da-da", "ma-ma".

- he prefers feeding himself which has led to less food at meals. he mostly refuses the spoon. but he doesn't really seem any more hungry or fussy than usual so it is just a phase.

- he is quite content to play by himself - as long as someone else is in the room.

- he can follow commands - come here, hand that to me, clap your hands, etc.

- a cup has been a little hit or miss. he can drink from a straw or a sippy but he doesn't really want to most of the time.

- he loves his brothers and sister.

- he has to hold his pants while you change his diaper. no matter where i tuck them on the changing table, he will not stop until he finds them. it is the oddest quirk and uniquely manning. the other kids would grab them if they could see them, but he seeks them out almost every time.

- he is another very early riser! i try to get up at 6 so that i can have a little time to myself in the morning (you know, to do things like shower) but he has been getting up at 6 or earlier. at least he sleeps all night.

he is a delight and i can't believe how close we are to him being 1! matt and i have noticed that this kids got 'their' look by 9 months when we look back at their first year pictures so we are interested to see if this holds true with manning too. love.

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