Sunday, December 9, 2012

night in bethlehem

you might remember that we went to "night in bethlehem" at the kids' preschool last year. no? well mason did. really, he remembers going and has been asking about it for a few months now (ever since we started talking about christmas-time). it did not disappoint. unfortunately it was raining and cold. matt waited in line by himself for about 15 minutes in a line that wrapped a decent way around the building before calling us when he could see the door to join him.
carpenter in the town market (aka the preschool gym)
our friend karen working the spices table
mason and daddy learning how to 'weave a basket' (aka ribbon fed through hole punch-outs in the top of a plastic cup)
maddux and madelyn paying their 'taxes' to the romans
the camel that spits
photo opp with mary, joseph and baby Jesus - well it wasn't really a photo opp, but we did
madelyn and a pony - she was pretty excited
all in all it took us two hours to get through. much longer than the one hour i had expected. the kids (and matt and i) were starving since we were well past dinner time. it made it a little harder to pull the kids away from the cookie reception at the end too. they just wanted to keep eating. we are so lucky to have such a loving church/preschool nearby to help make our christmas celebration special - and real. love.


1 comment:

Witenkling Mommy said...

That is a really great event.