Friday, December 21, 2012

first 'real' snow of the year

against my better judgement, i let the kids talk me into going outside since this was the first 'big' snow of the year.  they get so excited about going out that they won't take the time to put on enough clothes to keep warm.  (maddux has been refusing to wear even long sleeves for weeks now - but that is a whole other story.)  we were outside for all of 60 seconds (or even less) but they caught some snow flakes on their tongues and madelyn made a snow angel.

i had almost forgotten how much the idea of playing in the snow appeals to me, but then i remember that i don't like being cold and wet.  and i really don't like dressing and undressing the kids!!  i think playing in the snow will be a lot (and i mean a lot) more fun once they can all gear up on their own. love.

1 comment:

Grandma Z. said...

Well, Madelyn has the snow angel thing mastered. Maddux isn't quite sure of things and mason looks like he's having fun.