Saturday, December 22, 2012

cookie delivery

the kids and i delivered cookies and christmas cards to the neighbors after lunch (i totally forgot to include the ornaments we had made for them!  oh well, next year.)  all three bigs came.  at first mason and maddux were both crying about being cold, but once we started dropping things off mason was having fun too.  maddux on the other hand didn't do quite as well.  he has been obsessed with wearing these slip on shoes that were mason's that are really too big for him.  so to make them stay on he insists on wearing them on the wrong feet.  yeah, that doesn't really help him walk very much.  add a little ice and that kid kept falling and falling and crying and crying.  he never asked to go home though.  he did agree to stay with me and hold my hand once he lost a shoe in a slip and fall.  he did much better after that.

the kids really love making these deliveries.  i think we need to pick a day farther from christmas though so that more neighbors are home.

we all love getting some hot chocolate and warming up in front of the fire afterwards too!  this time we added a family movie and watch the incredibles.  we picked it out for mason when we stopped by the library on our way to pick him up after manning's doctor's appointment.  love, love, love the snuggle time.  i promised them that i would have more time once we got finished with the school week.  it was worth all of the hard work to get everything done so that i could relax with them a little for christmas (at least as much as any parent can when you have little ones to entertain and feed).  love.


Grandma Z. said...

Wow, now that is determination for getting cookies delivered. Maddux is such an interesting little guy. No wonder you forgot the ornaments! What great memories you are making and also some happy neighbors.

Witenkling Mommy said...

I love this tradition of yours. Jon wanted to carol again (and hand out cards) this year but it didn't work out (sick kids) - thinking maybe a post Christmas caroling session :)