Saturday, December 15, 2012

left out

madelyn was bummed to have to miss out on the breakfast with mary and joseph (especially after she saw their crafts and goodie bags when we got home).  she stayed home from school yesterday with a fever, headache and body aches.  i took her to the pediatrician because she had hit her head at school on thursday (no note, she told us she hit it really hard at gym and had to sit down for a while) and complained all evening about a headache.  if you have been reading this blog for any period of time you know that madelyn hits her head a lot.  but this was the first time i can remember her ever complaining about a headache so we took it fairly seriously when she was still complaining about it the next day. 

i am just remembering how crazy friday was!  here is the short version: asked matt to hang out at home for a little in the morning, called madelyn's school to say she wouldn't be there, dropped mason at school, stopped at the grocery store to pick up food for a friend i was taking dinner to that night, call to the doctor's office for madelyn, home to relieve matt, contractors arrive to fix a wall and other fixes, say good-bye to matt who is finishing up with the contractors, take madelyn to the doctor, call mason's school after we have been there an hour to say that we might be late picking him up, after an hour and a half - stand in the hallway outside the exam room with a screaming manning (because he is hungry and i, of course, left my nursing cover at hom) asking for the papers so i can leave since i can't wait any more, apologize to the doctor who agreed to fit us in (not our normal doctor) as she is apologizing to us about keeping us waiting, (madelyn just has a virus - not strep, not flu), race to mason's school to pick him up 30 minutes late, race home to feed lunch to all four, make dinner, dessert and breakfast for friend, load everyone up to drop it off, come home and prepare our dinner, matt calls to say that he is staying late, put all the kids to bed.  tired.

so madelyn was pretty much fine by this morning.  but since she was so miserable yesterday, we left her at home.

manning wore one of the outfits that all four kids have now worn this
week so i showed the kids what they all looked like in it and what they could do when they were manning's age.  it made me realize that manning doesn't get nearly enough (or really any) practice at sitting on his own.  it has been more a matter of safety since we have hardwoods upstairs and lots of siblings to knock him down.  madelyn was pretty excited to see him sitting so well and had to get in the picture when i took one of him sitting (she is not holding him up at all even though it looks that way).

daddy took the boys out to do some christmas shopping after lunch so it was just madelyn and i when manning took his afternoon nap.  she was inspired after hearing all about mason's teacher as mary and decided to be "mary mild" and 'swaddled' up one of her babies in a mound of blankets to be 'mild' in front of (like in most christmas displays) while i took her picture.  she did this some more when the boys got home to see.
as sad as madelyn was to stay home all day, she seemed to benefit from a little extra rest.  now who will be next...?  love.

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