Saturday, December 15, 2012

unlikely photo op

the boys and i ran a few errands after our breakfast.  the last stop was joann fabric (remember, i just got a new sewing machine).  since i wasn't super familiar with the layout on that side of the store, it was crazy busy and i had two 'helpers' who were hungry and tired, it took way longer than it needed to!  when it was finally our turn, the ladies behind the counter told the boys to go check out buzz lightyear and then insisted that i take their pictures.
but that wasn't enough because once i put my camera away they called after us that the boys should be the prince for rapunzel.  ugh.  i really just wanted to get out of there since we were all tired and hungry by this point and this was the longest maddux had been away from home since wearing underwear (and no accidents!), but i got the camera back out and snapped a few more pictures.
maddux is a few inches over 3 feet per his last check-up so not sure how accurate the above measurements are, but the boys loved seeing their pictures.  worth the time.  love.

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