Sunday, December 16, 2012

pray for me

so matt left this morning.  he won't be home until wednesday night.  we dropped him off on our way to church. he was surprised i was taking everyone without him, but i told him that this was the only break i was going to get while he was gone and was going to take it.  i had been up all night with manning (who caught some form of madelyn's cold and couldn't breath being a thumb-sucker and all).  i just held him on my chest from 3 until 6am (he had already gotten up three times so this was easier).

matt is going to a work class where he will have three hours of homework a night.  but don't feel bad for matt, he is in florida!  poor guy will be warm, have a bed to himself and have some quiet.

i don't know how people do it when their spouse (or they) have to travel all the time!  we should be fine but it is the week before christmas and there is a lot still to get done.  love.


Anonymous said...

I didn't have 4 children but I had 2 and Gary was often gone at least 4 days of the week (consultant work). My friends worked and I just wanted to talk with another adult at times!! As I look back, I survived and was glad that I got to be home with them. We took a lot of walks :) Nana

mom2mlg said...
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mom2mlg said...

it really wasn't bad at all. he usually only sees them an hour or so a day so it wasn't a huge difference, but with all of the extra tasks and errands for christmas it was pretty exhausting. i think i was up to at least midnight every night.

Witenkling Mommy said...

I so look forward to the time when Jon gets home each day. If he were out of town for a few, I wonder if I'd survive :)