Saturday, December 22, 2012

picture with santa

we might not be 'doing' santa any more, but we still went to get a picture at the mall. matt wasn't sure that we should because the kids might be confused and maybe they are a little, but they do know that jesus is real and santa is not which was the goal. i look at it as being the same as taking a picture with mickey mouse at disney or a mascot at a sporting event - he is just a character that goes along with christmas.  it is just fun and pretend.

i was prepared for the worst case scenario because what are the chances all four will look and smile?  i was just happy they all sat with him and didn't cry!  we went early and waited in line about 20 minutes.  when it was our turn maddux started backing away as madelyn and mason went to santa.  he was trying to disappear back into the line.  i really couldn't believe that he sat on santa's lap!  manning had just woken up from a short nap and was hungry, but a thumb is fine.  all in all, i am pretty pleased. love.


Grandma Z. said...

what a great picture. I love how mason has the smile thing down. Maddux looks like he's not sure about this.

Rob Zachritz said...

I heard an idea about Santa on a podcast: "Santa is a pretend game we all play. We pretend there is a Santa, 'cause it's fun. We don't 'break character.'" That way, there are no worries about having a picture taken or about "spoiling Christmas" for friends at school.

Witenkling Mommy said...

Very impressive all four looked :)