Sunday, December 23, 2012

shoe obsessed

to say that maddux is obsessed with the shoes he is wearing in the picture is almost an understatement.  from the time he wakes up, to the time he goes to bed (we have to remind him to take them off for sleeping) he wears his shoes.  on the wrong feet.  if you try to fix them for him, he goes into full on fit mode!  they are too big hand-me-downs from mason (generally we don't pass down shoes but mason did not wear these very much), wearing them on the wrong feet helps him keep them on better.

he is so funny about these shoes.  he was falling asleep in our bed one night (he had taken a nap during the day and was keeping mason awake) and he jumped up, threw back the sheets, took one look at his feet and screamed, "shoes!!," in a panic.  i had to remind him that he was sleeping and did not have his shoes on, they were not lost.  then he remembered that to be true and settled down.

we generally don't wear shoes in the house, but there has been no way to get him not to wear these.  thankfully, (and surprisingly), he doesn't always wear these when we go somewhere.  he will wear other shoes out.

we are hoping that this phase wears out before the shoes do!  love.

1 comment:

Witenkling Mommy said...

That's pretty funny. Love that picture, too. Shoes are so bad of an obsession, especially since he's ok wearing other ones out and about. It could be much worse :)