Thursday, February 28, 2013
ballet boys
what?! it's thrusday!?
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
another book lover

but he sure is cute.
the video is an attempt at catching him being chatty. he sort of froze up when i got the camera and doesn't vary his 'words' as much as he normally does but it does show how he loves to have his mouth open and noisy. love.
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look at the size of his hand! |
boys' morning out with mommy
unfortunately, you can't use a flash in most of the museum, so the pictures aren't that great. we did have a wonderful time and were there for almost three hours.
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maddux was excited that they added an 'on/off' switch to the aerodynamic display where you can 'float' balls. |
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there was a new green screen. maddux picked the background for us on the touch screen computer and mason and i would act it out. here we are 'running' with the triceratops! |

the boys each gave me their best 'roar' from the dinosaur mouth - sorry that the pictures are so dark.
we took a bathroom break and mason was commenting on "how cute" the bench was inside the ladies restroom so we had to take a picture.
i decided to check out the clipboards on our way back in and saw that there was one with just pictures and names to find and check off. mason was awesome at it! he could find the words and didn't always rely on the pictures. it was a fun way to explore and find things we have overlooked in the past.
and we took one last look at the miniatures exhibit since it closes in march (i think).
our 'favorite' volunteer found us as we were leaving and asked if i would like to see a great photo opportunity. we did have a few more minutes before we needed to get going for lunch and manning was asleep, so i took him up on it. (i say he is our 'favorite' because he is very friendly, informative and helpful, but it is difficult to get away once he gets started.) and he was right it was very cute to have the boys peek through the windows and look like they were in the houses. without the flash, the pictures were mostly blurry. maddux could not hold still long enough for a clear shot, but here is a cute one of mason.
and best of all, he offered to take one of all four of us. granted, i had not showered (again), but i am happy to have the picture with my boys. love.
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
finger foods
mops brunch and playdate
i baked up muffins, a few casseroles (baked caramel-banana french toast and oatmeal with berries and bananas) and cut up some watermelon and cantaloupe. we had more than enough food. i had a craft for the kids too, but we never got around to it because they were just excited to get to play with someone else's toys!
i am so glad that i was able to have them all over and thankful to have them in my life. it was also a great reason for me to have to do some deep cleaning.
here is the most requested recipe of the morning for your enjoyment - it is from all you magazine - may 2012:
baked caramel-banana french toast
8 T (1 stick) unsalted butter
1 cup packed dark brown sugar
2 T dark rum, optional (i did not use but have before and it is better without imo)
2 medium ripe bananas, sliced
1 loaf challah or white bread (about 20 oz), cut or torn into 1/2-inch pieces
8 large eggs
2 cups half and half
1 T vanilla extract
1/4 tsp salt
1. melt butter in a large skillet over medium-low heat. Add brown sugar and rum, if desired; stir unti smooth. remove from heat and stir in bananas.
2. scatter half of bread in a 9x13 baking dish. spoon caramel-banana mixture evenlyover bread. top with remaining bread. in a large bowl, whisk eggs until blended. whisk in half and half, vanilla and salt. pour over bread mixture, pressing down on bread to make sure it's all coated. cover with foil and refrigerate at least 4 hours or overnight.
3. preheat oven to 350F. let baking dish stand at room temperature while the oven preheats. remove foil and bake until puffed and golden and a thin knife insterted in center comes out clean, about 40 minutes. let cool for 5 minutes before serving.
tuesday tip - surprise them
almost everything we do is a 'surprise' for the kids. this does two things - gives us flexibility to change our plans at the last minute and minimizes the opportunity for fits of disappointment. "tomorrow" can seem like forever to wait, and forget about a week or more! we usually wait until the morning of (or sometimes the hour of) to tell the kids that we are doing something special or that someone is coming over. let's say we were planning on going to the zoo and it is rainy or someone was up all night and in a really cranky mood or our friend that was coming over wakes up sick. the kids only think that we are doing something that is a "surprise" - our trip to the zoo can turn into a surprise trip to the library and everyone is still happy. we have "surprises" almost daily which can help make every day special and fun.
and our kids love guessing where we are going! sometimes i give clues but sometimes i just let their imaginations run wild. it is fun to hear what they consider to be a "special surprise" and it gives me more ideas for things that they might like to do.
do you keep your kids in the dark to make things easier?
Monday, February 25, 2013
family walk
happily, everyone hustled in for warmer coat, gloves and hats and then back out to get on their helmets and bike gear while i ran manning in for a clean diaper and to grab a blanket for the wagon. and off we went!
we really can not wait for it to be warm enough to do this most days, but we enjoyed the time we had while we had it.
when we got back home, the moon was a beautiful orange and very low in the sky. i had to help the kids see it from the driveway between the trees. madelyn and mason thought it was pretty neat but when i showed maddux he just said, "no". he would not believe that the orange circle he was seeing was the moon. that silly kid.
so thankful for some family fun outside. love.
grandma's farewell dinner

grandma insisted that we go out to dinner on our way to the airport. even matt was able to get off a little early so that he could join us which was a real treat! we knew grandma wasn't feeling well when she didn't order an appetizer.
after we ordered, we realized that we didn't take very many pictures so grandma hopped around the table to get a few pictures with the grandkids.
and then she got one with matt and one with me in the parking lot.
we got grandma off to the airport just fine and she, thankfully, made it home before the worst of her illness hit. it seems like she picked up the stomach bug somewhere - not from us this time!
we had a nice visit and grandma spoiled us, way too much, again. love.
Sunday, February 24, 2013
free babysitting
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madelyn wearing a new outfit from grandma to church |
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playing candyland (grandma was on the phone with big pop) |
it was our last full day together and even though we hadn't done much, her visit flew by. love.
more firsts
Saturday, February 23, 2013
madelyn's celebration dinner
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the kids talk about the 'conehead' sundae often even though we haven't been in a long while |
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mason went with a 'monster' this time |
we were all stuffed and i am afraid we didn't do grandma any favors after all the work she has been doing to eat healthier. it was a great evening of celebrating madelyn's achievement. love.
sarah's party
updated with the finished product...
Friday, February 22, 2013
grandma's here!
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this was madelyn's special creation |
we plan on having a fairly quiet visit with grandma but we will see what happens. love.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
manning at 8 months
he rang in month number 8 with an ear infection. but not in the ear he has been rubbing that prompted us to take him in. even the doctor was a little surprised that he had one - no fever, no runny nose, no resistance to having her check, just all smiles. she said that it might have just been delayed from the cold he had a few weeks ago. this is his first one. he weighed 28lbs.
but really i just wanted to post a little about manning...
- he is super ticklish on his chest and neck. he cracks up when we pull his clothes off (not so much when we are getting him dressed).
- he is really getting mobile. most of it is belly to sitting kind of moving. he does hop a little on his knees but no real attempts at actual crawling. i always knew that madelyn did things early but it is amazing looking back as we have had the boys (madelyn - february 2008)
- manning looks a lot like madelyn but is build more like mason.
- he is a chatterbox (where did matt and i get all of these talkers?) - "ma-ma", "da-da", "ni", "ba-ba", "na", "ya-ya", "hi", "ha-ha", "yah"
- he thinks it is hysterical when his brothers cry.
- he and maddux seem to have a pretty special bond. maybe they understand each other.
- he is the only one of the kids at this age who goes down with no books, nursing or crying and wakes up happy most of the time.
manning is a very happy and easy going kid. we really ended with a great one! we can't wait for him to get moving. love.